Sunday, June 2, 2019

Alien 3 :: essays research papers

It was in 1979 that the nightmare began, when thespaceship the Nostromo landed on an unknown major planet toanswer a rescue message and later explore an abandonedvessel. Thats where the work party met for the first time a creature as deadly as beautiful, the Alien. This creature andits environment, created by the talented Swiss artist H.R.Giger, were the main antagonists from the movie Alien ,directed by Ridley Scott and featuring Sigourney Weaveras the only survivor of the Nostromo crew when the Alienpenetrated it. This movie was the first chapter of a cult sagastill active these days. From the four movies featuring theAliens, the third one is considered as the worst one. Eventhough its visual quality was exceptional, its poor scenariodeceived most Alien fans throughout the world, leaving notmuch place for improvement for a forth movie. however mostpeople dont know that the critically acclaimed cyberpunkauthor William Gibson wrote an alternative scenario toAlien, much more resea rched, focusing on future daytechnology and human contacts rather than on explosionsand gratuitous violence.Both Alien and Gibsons script have a similar opening,where the audience learns that a Face-Hugger (a guide/spider-like creature whose function is to implement anembryo inside a chest cavity from a living organism) hasbeen able to hide in the Sulaco, the ship with which Ripley(Sigourney Weaver), Hicks (an wound marine soldier),Newt (a 12 years old girl) and Bishop (an android seriouslydamaged) escaped from the Alien colony in the previousmovie, Aliens. But this similarity amongst the to scripts ismaybe the only one. From now on, the two stories will takecompletely different courses. In Alien, an electricmalfunction (usually attributed to the Face-Hugger) causesthe ship to crash on a planet called Fiorina 161 containing adisaffected mining colony now used as a high-securityprison. This leads to predictable, violent, confrontationsbetween Ripley (the only survivor from the cra sh) and theprisoners. From now on, the viewers knows that the moviewill be based on sexist debates and on useless violence.However, in Gibsons version, the Sulaco does not crashon a planet but rather continues on its original path butwith a small deviation. This deviation makes the ship enteran area claimed by the pairing of Progressive Peoples, orUPP, a somewhat clear analogy to the late USSR.It is rumored that this similarity contributed to the demise ofGibsons script. The presence of a political force in thestory would have been the first apparition of any kind ofpolitical debates in all the Aliens movies. And at the sametime, the audience learns that theres not only one powerful

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